Friday, October 12, 2007

Ramblings of yesterday...

Yesterday was a tough day all around.I kept Ana home as she had horrible allergies. I made a pathetic attempt at catching up on house work but she clung to me like static cling. Yes, I could have just surrendered and caught up on all the highly intelligent and thought provoking daytime tv (no thanks). I don't miss Judge Judy, Oprah, or even The View. Not too happy with those ladies anyways, I heard they recently made some really invalid and ignorant comments about the Catholic Church. Anyways, the TV stayed off all day which was good..

I just feel that when my husband comes home the house should be immaculate and the aroma of fresh garlic, onion, and marinara sauce should be spilling out the door when he comes in..I did manage to start some meatball subs and veggies but he immediately ran to open windows when he came home as I guess the aroma was a bit overpowering! So much for the perfect picture I painted..LOL..Everyone did enjoy dinner however, not homemade meatballs but frozen sometimes has to do!
Tristan baseball game went bad, it seems as if when the team is losing everyone blames the pitcher! The parents are nice enough but really should be more careful with their polite criticism as to why the game isn't going our way.."Tristan's really nervous tonight!" and "Tristan's just not himself tonight!" All this from people I (and Tristan) don't even know.. It may not be so bad if they actually knew Tristan but this is a new team and besides there were many other things going wrong.
I finally excused myself to chase my toddler so that I would not continue to be submerged..I know the other parents mean well, we just get touchy when it comes to our kids ya know? Okay, i am clearly rambling now..hopefully will post more later.
We are going to the State Fair this weekend which should be fun, the weather is gorgeous out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy rambles!! Keep them coming. *grin*