Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lord You are...

Simple but effective this was the song on my mind this morning when I first woke up..I first learned when I was 16 years old at a church retreat. I almost always wake up panicked by the stresses that the day holds and immediately start to worry. (I come from a long line of worriers..) Today, I felt an outpouring of grace and this beautiful song was playing in the back of my mind..

"Lord you are more precious than silver"...
"Lord you are more costly than Gold"
"Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds and nothing I desire compares with You"....


Anonymous said...

Dana, I don't believe I know that song but it sound beautiful.
I like your blogs new look!!!

Tina said...

DD! I'm so proud of you ~ those pics look great. Guess you no longer need the webmaster. . . . .
