Friday, October 12, 2007

Infants under 2 and cold meds..

Did you hear they recently pulled child medicines off the shelves due to safety risk?? I know my pediatrician had historically frowned upon medicating with anything when Ana has had a cold..frustrating for us to just watch them sniffle and suffer but apparently the safest for them..

Pediatricians say the best way to treat a child's cold is to let it run its course. Over-the-counter medications won't speed the healing process, just help with symptoms, they say. But if a child doesn't seem to be getting better, parents should take him or her to see a physician.

Best for fever: Tylenol or ibuprofen.

Best for colds, congestion or cough: Lots of liquids, rest, saline drops in the nose, humidifiers.

Source: Pediatrician interviews

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