Friday, October 5, 2007

Watch out New York Yankees!!

Check out these awesome pictures of Tristan pitching last night's game!! Can you tell I'm proud of my pitcher??! Little League Baseball is a huge part of our any other Little League mom can tell you it demands a minimum of three nights a week! The long practices, the games that begin at 7:45 on school nights, constant laundering of sweaty uniforms, heartbreaking strikeouts, and yes the world famous ball park food.. Earlier in Tristan's young career, I wouldn't touch the "stadium nachos" or hotdogs but they start to actually look really good after several seasons and besides it's somehow part of the beloved baseball culture!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So are you a Yankee fan or an Astro fan?
Up here our State is Split between Yankees and Red Sox the few remaining are Mets fans.
I have got to hand it to you. I have kept John involved in Soccer because it is not as intense as Baseball is with the schedule for practice and games.
Wow I would love to see more with him in action!!