Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Champions of Faith

I thought it may be appropriate to mention this since my latest blogs have been of the sporty nature. I was planning on ordering this DVD for my son and was curious if anyone has actually seen this? Everywhere I look, I see this which tells me the Holy Spirit is trying to tell me something! The DVD is supposed to showcase several major league baseball players whose faith in God has allowed them to say no to what we so often see "hand in hand" with athletic success..the drugs, sex scandals, and all the other horrible things we have heard and read. The men in this film are true role models for our children, especially if they have an interest in sports. The website is www.championsoffaith.com..

1 comment:

bjwalsh12 said...

Thank you for your post about “Champions of Faith.” The film does indeed feature great Catholic figures of baseball such as Mike Piazza and Jeff Suppan. All of these men openly share how their faith has affected their careers and their lives. I strongly suggest you get a copy for your son.

“Champions of Faith” has also won three awards so far - two from the United Catholic Music and Video Association and one from Catholics in Media Association. You may also be interested in looking at the endorsements the film has received by visiting www.championsoffaith.com/endorsements.asp.