Monday, November 19, 2007

"The Dining Room Project"

Jim has been very diligent with his work in the dining room lately that it only makes sense to give him due credit and a "pat on the back" for the transformation he has made possible. You see, I bark the orders and he makes it happen..LOL!
I have the easy part but he has the challenge of actually creating what I tell him that I want. I should have posted a before picture for you to appreciate the difference. He installed crown molding, new chandelier, a chair rail down the middle with a brown taupey color. I think he has done a really nice job so far. More pictures to come when we actually put the furniture back in..Thanks again Jimmy for your patience with me through this project, I think we have created a beautiful setting for out first Thanksgiving at our home! Love D


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!!! Can he come and do exactly that to my diningroom? When will you all be visiting up north again? I can have all of teh material ready and waiting :-) LOL

Dana said...

LOL! That would be great, are you hosting Christmas this year??..I would love to see some snow..and just picture the Courier and Ives Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

How was your Thanksgiving?