Friday, September 21, 2007

"Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold" Zelda Fitzgerald

This quote is so very true, isn't it?? I woke up today with this quote on my mind and had to Google it to get the exact words. I immediately think of my children and family when I ponder this. I love them so much that it sometimes physically hurts. There is no possible way for me to put into words how I feel about them.They are so incredibly dear to me..
Tristan, Jimmy, and I spent last evening perfecting his "Kickapoo Indian" project due today. Of course, he managed to choose the most obscure of tribes that even the Internet couldn't be the most helpful we looked and worked, and laughed, laughed some more..and after a few oatmeal cookies and about a million q-tips we were done.! I stayed up a little later just to enjoy the silence that is so often absent in our house. I began to hear our baby daughter cry. I quietly crept up the stairs to listen to be sure she was okay. I was suprised to hear the sweetest voice of an "angel" comforting her..It was Tristan. "It's okay sweetie, just go back to's your blanky..."And then suddenly, there was silence again..

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